Welcome To Floscarmeli Convent School

Flos Carmeli Convent School was founded by the Congregation of the Carmelite Religious, administered by St. Joseph’s Provincialate Pune and governed by Flos Carmeli Convent Educational and Charitable Society in the year 2004.

It was a difficult task to get the students in the beginning but the God who brought us to this place was there to help to bring more and more students year after year.

Today the school has come up and the students are well trained to take up any challenges of the world.

Our schools are spread all over India and abroad. We are proud to be educationalist because our best teacher and model is JESUS.

The Divine Sower sowed a seed – The seed was a thought , a desire , a wish to spread the Word of God ; the soil was the heart of our saintly Foundress, Mother Mary Theresa Veronica(Sophie Leeves) born on October 1st , 1823 to Constantinople of English Anglican Parents.

On the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel the rays of the Divine Sun called it forth; for it was on the 16th July , 1868, that the Third Order of Carmelite Religious began to exist. On that day Mother Mary Theresa Veronica, Discalced Carmelite, and her first two postulants began their work for God in the first established Convent at Bayonne, France.

The aim in founding the Third Order of Carmelites was to help the Carmelite Fathers in the work of education and of charity in the missions, by establishing Schools and Homes for poor Indian girls of every creed.

Sr. Sarika Burken - Principal

“Journey of a thousand miles begin with a single step”-How true this saying is, Education is nothing else but educating the 3H’s i.e Head, Heart and Hand. Flos Carmeli School wants that every child has to inculcate the 3H then we can say that we are giving education which is the preparation of a child intellectually, emotionally, spiritually , physically, psychologically for life and for eternity.

We at Flos Carmeli inculcate value based education, therefore every teacher should be a bridge over which they invite their students to cross. Then, having facilitated their crossing joyfully collapse, encouraging them to create their own.

Finally, I wish that every child that leaves this portal should feel loved , wanted and there by become the beacon which show, the light to others and proving to be good citizens of our country.

All this is possible when “we” as educators dedicate ourselves to this great service and find joy and fulfillment in the challenges of working with students with different abilities. And thereby make a difference for the difference.

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